Born with a lot of hair
However, he lost quite a bit of his hair in the first few months when he developed a cradle cap.
Left with little hair at ~2.5 months (and that's malai on his face)
Once this phase got over, his hair bounced right back (quite literally)
And it started growing in multiple directions

And it started growing in multiple directions
so much that it started getting into his eyes
Here are some of his stylish poses
That's his "back combing" style
And this must have been a "shampoo day"
He has expressive eyes, and expressive hair :-)
Didn't I say expressive hair? That's the "I'm the King" expression
Thats his "good boy" look
And here's a better look from the back!
With his hair growing by leaps and bounds (in selective areas), the thought of trimming it a little has certainly crossed our minds. However, it turns out that our family practice is to not give the first born his first hair cut before he's five years old. That's right. Not even a hair trim. Picture him in five years without any hair cut :-) So yes, I'm not sure if I'm such a big follower to actually wait that long. What do you think? I'd love to get some opinions - please let me know what you think using the poll on the side panel.
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