Thursday, August 26, 2010

Reliving old times at the shack

The IIT campus has a little coffee place popularly called the coffee shack. The place has barely changed in all these years. The menu is largely the same and its the same person who runs it. Saurabh and I had spent a lot of our time (although separately) here and now Kabu seems to be enjoying it as well. Afterall the main item on their menu is Maggi :-)


Unknown said...

hmmnnn.... maggi from shack had special taste, charm and satifaction which one cannot get by cooking at home. Btw - what is the price of maggi these days. It was Rs5 before.

Abha said...

down the memory lane....:)Wish I could go back in time.
Thanks for posting that picture..

Pooja said...

Hi smitao, you're so right. Maggi costs Rs 12 now :-)

Swati said...

Pooja how about maggi bonda's :-)

Pooja said...
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Pooja said...

Swati, unfortunately (or fortunately!) they aren't on the menu any more :-)