Sunday, May 26, 2019

Mandi 2019

We are back to our summer home this month- Himachal. We just got back from a 6 day trip to Kinnaur district which was our first time ever in this remote region famous for its apples. Overall, we are spending much more time on the IIT Mandi campus this time (as I work on finishing my PhD thesis in these final few weeks before my submission deadline). We have been making local trips to Mandi to our usual spots and some short hikes in the hills surrounding the campus in Kamand. Tomorrow, we plan to go back to visit the GHNP (Jibhi this time) for some hiking.
Pictures will have to wait. Just this one for the sake of our Mandi tradition

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Anurag teaches Alapony

Anurag is often seen fooling around with my phone. Today I found this gem in my phone gallery