I finally got a breather today - I am officially done with the first semester of my PhD today! It wasn't too bad at all - I enjoyed sitting through classes again (3 courses and one seminar), and felt like I had the opportunity to make up for many things I wish I had done during my undergrad days! Of course, it came at a price - I spent much less time at home and with the kids in the last 4 months. And there were times when it felt that our house was falling apart due to so many things that needed desperate attention (broken stuff in the house, financial matters etc.). But we pulled through! It appears that the boys are far more independent now and have certainly developed a much greater bond with saurabh and also with nana-nani. In fact, since the time their vacations started, the boys have been begging to go and stay over at nana-nani's place every second day. There have been weeks when they have stayed more nights at grandparent's place than at our own home. Saurabh and I have even been able to enjoy some movie nights and late-night chaat and icecream outings to the campus hub. Nana-nani have also been getting more adventurous and taking the kids out for outings like children's plays etc. So it seems to be a win-win so far. Though I must admit that giving up control has been a little hard, but everyone seems to be happy so far.
I say "so far" because the next big step for us is right around the corner. As part of my PhD requirements, I need to spend 6 weeks living in a village this summer. I leave on Monday. It will be the first time; I don't think I have been away from the kids for more than a week ever. It is scary but also very exciting for me because of the unique opportunity. I chose a village which is not too far away, so I can still come home within a few hours if there is an emergency. Dadosa and Dadisa are also expected to arrive in a week, so I certainly think that things are going to be in control.
On a different note, summer is in full swing - the heat, the sweat, the mangoes, and the long hours at the pool - its all here! Anurag did a swimming camp last two weeks, and is much more confident now. Kabir had his skating camp for 2 weeks and now he's taking the intermediate level swimming camp. Its wonderful to see the kids learning from Dr. Reddy, the IITB swimming coach - the same coach who taught me how to swim 30 years ago! I hope this well help the boys share the same love for swimming that I do.
My resolution is to post at least some photos from the past few months to share the highlights. Hopefully soon.