Sunday, March 16, 2014


There has been little action on the blog lately, which can be attributed to the over-the-top action in our household in the past few months.
* The first update is that I joined the PhD program at IIT since January to continue the research I was engaged in as a research staff for the past 2.5 years. This meant taking the entrance exam in December and now attending classes, writing exams and doing a lot of reading all over again! But so far I'm enjoying the flexibility that comes with the student life and I'm loving being part of the student community again.
* There was much action in our home in the last month or so with Kabir's 6th birthday in Feb and Anurag's 4th birthday last week. It was made special by Zoya's presence who visited India along with Kakku bua and Erroll fufaji for a month. The three kids bonded a lot and it was adorable to see little zoya run behind the boys calling "baiya, baiya". Pics/ videos to come soon (hopefully).
* Kabir took a week off from school and visited Rajasthan with Saurabh. This was the first time he took a trip without me. They attended a wedding and spent time at dada-dadi's place with zoya, bua and others. Anurag, ofcourse, was quite upset that he didn't get to go. But I had my midterms at the same time so he stayed back with me (and I got to discover the excitement of studying for exams with a 4 year old at home - fortunately neighbours came to rescue big time!)
* Another big update is that Kabir is done with first grade at school. How time has flown! He has a month long vacation and school reopens in April when he will start in 2nd standard. Summer vacation will follow in May-June.
* Speaking of summer, it has started to get really warm here - which means we're back to swimming! And season's first mangoes are here too. :)